Odoo Configuration

odoo --help
Running as user 'root' is a security risk.
Usage: odoo [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  Common options:
    -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
                        specify alternate config file
    -s, --save          save configuration to ~/.odoorc (or to
                        ~/.openerp_serverrc if it exists)
    -i INIT, --init=INIT
                        install one or more modules (comma-separated list, use
                        "all" for all modules), requires -d
    -u UPDATE, --update=UPDATE
                        update one or more modules (comma-separated list, use
                        "all" for all modules). Requires -d.
                        disable loading demo data for modules to be installed
                        (comma-separated, use "all" for all modules). Requires
                        -d and -i. Default is none
    -P IMPORT_PARTIAL, --import-partial=IMPORT_PARTIAL
                        Use this for big data importation, if it crashes you
                        will be able to continue at the current state. Provide
                        a filename to store intermediate importation states.
    --pidfile=PIDFILE   file where the server pid will be stored
                        specify additional addons paths (separated by commas).
                        Comma-separated list of server-wide modules.
    -D DATA_DIR, --data-dir=DATA_DIR
                        Directory where to store Odoo data

  HTTP Service Configuration:
                        Listen interface address for HTTP services. Keep empty
                        to listen on all interfaces (
    -p PORT, --http-port=PORT
                        Listen port for the main HTTP service
                        Listen port for the longpolling HTTP service
    --no-http           Disable the HTTP and Longpolling services entirely
    --proxy-mode        Activate reverse proxy WSGI wrappers (headers
                        rewriting) Only enable this when running behind a
                        trusted web proxy!

  Web interface Configuration:
    --db-filter=REGEXP  Regular expressions for filtering available databases
                        for Web UI. The expression can use %d (domain) and %h
                        (host) placeholders.

  Testing Configuration:
                        Launch a python test file.
    --test-enable       Enable unit tests.
                        Comma separated list of tags to filter which tests to
                        excute. Enable unit tests if set.

  Logging Configuration:
    --logfile=LOGFILE   file where the server log will be stored
    --logrotate         enable logfile rotation
    --syslog            Send the log to the syslog server
                        setup a handler at LEVEL for a given PREFIX. An empty
                        PREFIX indicates the root logger. This option can be
                        repeated. Example: "odoo.orm:DEBUG" or
                        "werkzeug:CRITICAL" (default: ":INFO")
    --log-request       shortcut for --log-handler=odoo.http.rpc.request:DEBUG
    --log-response      shortcut for --log-
    --log-web           shortcut for --log-handler=odoo.http:DEBUG
    --log-sql           shortcut for --log-handler=odoo.sql_db:DEBUG
    --log-db=LOG_DB     Logging database
                        Logging database level
                        specify the level of the logging. Accepted values:
                        ['info', 'debug_rpc', 'warn', 'test', 'critical',
                        'debug_sql', 'error', 'debug', 'debug_rpc_answer',

  SMTP Configuration:
                        specify the SMTP email address for sending email
    --smtp=SMTP_SERVER  specify the SMTP server for sending email
                        specify the SMTP port
    --smtp-ssl          if passed, SMTP connections will be encrypted with SSL
                        specify the SMTP username for sending email
                        specify the SMTP password for sending email

  Database related options:
    -d DB_NAME, --database=DB_NAME
                        specify the database name
    -r DB_USER, --db_user=DB_USER
                        specify the database user name
    -w DB_PASSWORD, --db_password=DB_PASSWORD
                        specify the database password
    --pg_path=PG_PATH   specify the pg executable path
    --db_host=DB_HOST   specify the database host
    --db_port=DB_PORT   specify the database port
                        specify the database ssl connection mode (see
                        PostgreSQL documentation)
                        specify the maximum number of physical connections to
                        specify a custom database template to create a new

  Internationalisation options. :
    Use these options to translate Odoo to another language. See i18n
    section of the user manual. Option '-d' is mandatory. Option '-l' is
    mandatory in case of importation

                        specifies the languages for the translations you want
                        to be loaded
    -l LANGUAGE, --language=LANGUAGE
                        specify the language of the translation file. Use it
                        with --i18n-export or --i18n-import
                        export all sentences to be translated to a CSV file, a
                        PO file or a TGZ archive and exit
                        import a CSV or a PO file with translations and exit.
                        The '-l' option is required.
    --i18n-overwrite    overwrites existing translation terms on updating a
                        module or importing a CSV or a PO file.
                        specify modules to export. Use in combination with

  Security-related options:
    --no-database-list  Disable the ability to obtain or view the list of
                        databases. Also disable access to the database manager
                        and selector, so be sure to set a proper --database
                        parameter first

  Advanced options:
    --dev=DEV_MODE      Enable developer mode. Param: List of options
                        separated by comma. Options : all,
                        [pudb|wdb|ipdb|pdb], reload, qweb, werkzeug, xml
                        Specify a preferred REPL to use in shell mode.
                        Supported REPLs are: [ipython|ptpython|bpython|python]
    --stop-after-init   stop the server after its initialization
                        Force a limit on the maximum number of records kept in
                        the virtual osv_memory tables. The default is False,
                        which means no count-based limit.
                        Force a limit on the maximum age of records kept in
                        the virtual osv_memory tables. This is a decimal value
                        expressed in hours, and the default is 1 hour.
                        Maximum number of threads processing concurrently cron
                        jobs (default 2).
    --unaccent          Use the unaccent function provided by the database
                        when available.
                        Absolute path to the GeoIP database file.

  Multiprocessing options:
    --workers=WORKERS   Specify the number of workers, 0 disable prefork mode.
                        Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker, when
                        reached the worker be reset after the current request
                        (default 2048MiB).
                        Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker, when
                        reached, any memory allocation will fail (default
                        Maximum allowed CPU time per request (default 60).
                        Maximum allowed Real time per request (default 120).
                        Maximum allowed Real time per cron job. (default:
                        --limit-time-real). Set to 0 for no limit.
                        Maximum number of request to be processed per worker
                        (default 8192).

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